Firefly Fibers | 114 Front St | Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Email | Phone | 920.356.8859
WEDNESDAY | Noon-3PM Walk-In Shopping & Online Order Pickup
WEDNESDAY | Noon-3PM Walk-In Shopping & Online Order Pickup
THURS-MON | CLOSED - Additional Times By Appointment here
SPECIAL WALK-IN SHOPPING & EVENTS | Updated regularly with additional shopping times and events at our brick-and-mortar shop.
- Saturday, April 5th | 10AM-1PM
- Friday, April 11th | 10AM-1PM
- Saturday, April 26th LYS Day | 10AM-3PM
LOCAL PICKUP | When your order is ready, you'll receive an email and you can pick up on Walk-In Wednesday (noon-3pm), or use the link in the email to schedule a different pickup time - please wait to receive this email BEFORE coming to the shop.